Anssi Rantanen


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About Anssi

Anssi is a growth expert, serial entrepreneur and keynote speaker.

He has helped over 100+ companies implement and execute growth strategies during his time at Growth Tribe Academy and during a 3 year period at Google.

Anssi Rantanen talks about how the fastest growing companies in the world systematise their growth.

Continuous learning and experimentation in both innovation and scaling products and services are at the heart of this new way of driving growth. Anssi’s examples come from large companies such as Google, Amazon and Skyscanner and small companies as well.

Anssi has worked with some of the most prominent Finnish companies, such as KONE, OP, Lähitapiola, Fazer and Alma Media.


Keynote Topic Examples

The Future of Growth: how do the fastest-growing companies in the world systematise their growth?

  • Technology and humans: how do technology companies combine the hard with the soft?

  • Psychological safety, celebrating failures, and other best-practice rituals from Silicon valley

  • The mindset, process, skills and tools of systematising growth

The Mindset of Top Future Leaders

  • What skill-sets do leading Silicon Valley firms look for when recruiting?

  • Why Adaptability Quotient (AQ) and the ability to learn are growing in importance

  • Psychological safety, celebrating failures and other best-practice teamwork principles

What can we learn from how Silicon Valley firms are innovating?

  • The innovation pipeline of leading Silicon Valley companies: Amazon, Google and Microsoft

  • The Innovator’s mindset and skill mix

  • Why the top innovators in Silicon Valley kill 70% of their projects in the first 6 months


 See Anssi in Action



Alex Osterwalder,

Founder at Strategyzer and creator of the Business Model Canvas

Best presentation ever: @anssialeksi building a live business experiment w/ a 4:00 min countdown in front of 7,655 people! Wow, spectacular!

Now on to change the company culture to give these experiments more clout in your organization! #NBForum2019

Pictures from a few select recent keynotes

 Said About Anssi


Reetta Miettinen, WSOY
Marketing Director

“Anssi's presentation on the future of marketing and growth was extremely insightful, funny and fast-paced. Our entire team learned a lot and became inspired to change our mindset! We actually planned some concrete changes right away after the presentation. If you need an energetic presentation that will bring a lot of new thoughts and ideas to the table, I highly recommend Anssi! We will definitely continue with Anssi some way or other.”


Marika Parvinen, MTV
Head of Transformation

“On our way from a traditional broadcaster to a streaming video provider, it is essential to get a world class inspiration and practical tips and tactics on how to drive our transformation. Anssi and his speeches are full of energy, and his message is extremely strong, applicable and important. His speeches really wake you up and positively brainwash you. If you want your organisation to move to the next level, call for Anssi!”

Anssi Has Spoken at

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